![]() Did you ever think about what God sees when He looks down at all of us here on Earth? I know how it feels to love my children and from what I gather when I read the Bible about God’s love - His love for all of us is infinitely deeper, stronger, truer than anything we could fathom or experience. It’s impossible to wrap my mind around that. As much as I love my kids, God loves me far more. He values me far more. And He values you too. I have made so many mistakes in my lifetime. Sometimes when I wake up at 3:00 in the morning, they begin to replay in my mind, and I feel so worthless and ashamed. Then God reminds me about Who He is and how He has forgiven me and renewed me, and peace fills my heart and calms my soul. I think when God looks down He sees the potential we all possess. I know when I look at my kids I often marvel at all the wide open doors of possibility which lie before them. I don’t know how many lives social worker Misty has changed in the many years she has done that sacrificial work, but I am betting it’s a large number - and I look at how gifted and talented she is and I imagine the most amazing future for her. My son Markie is going to graduate from medical school soon. He will be a doctor (hence, medical school). I always knew he was going to impact the world in some amazing way and he has proved me right so far. Melodie has the most beautiful heart for children. She is a blessing every time she volunteers to work with them in any setting. She will be graduating from college in a few weeks and I see a bright future ahead of her filled with children and families who love her deeply. My youngest, Madison, will graduate from high school in June -as a licensed cosmetologist. She is going to beautify the world and use her skills to help people gain confidence in their looks. And someday she will own a world-famous salon and people will travel hundreds or thousands of miles to have her style their hair. I see so much potential in those four kids. And I am not God. I imagine He looks at all of us and sees potential we don’t even know is within us. The really great thing about God-given potential is it is supernatural and ANYTHING can happen because NOTHING is impossible for God. YOU have so much potential to do something amazing and magnificent with your life. No matter what you have done up to this point, it is not too late to stop and change gears. I am quick to tell my kids about all the potential I see in them. If you start asking God to show you yours, He will. I am positive. I used to think I was the most chicken, insecure, incapable individual who just happened to get lucky with a good idea now and then. I really believed that. And when people told me God could use me I would laugh it off and list in my head all the reasons why He would never be able to. Let’s see, I used to smoke, I abused drugs, I drank too much, I was afraid of everything, I was nothing special, I wasn’t educated enough, I didn’t have enough money, I didn’t read my Bible enough, I didn’t pray enough, I didn’t love like Mother Theresa, I didn’t have a gentle spirit that made people want to be around me, I was too shy, I was too incompetent, I had no confidence, I couldn’t come up with brilliant quotes, I never cried in front of people so I must not be very caring... and on and on and on.
Yet God did see potential in me. He has used me, quite often in ways I wasn’t even aware of. Recently, I found out from an old friend how her faith had grown from watching me all these years. I was so deeply touched and left speechless. I might have even cried a bit over that revelation. I literally had no idea. While I was busy thinking about all the reasons God couldn’t use me, God was busy tapping into my potential of influence and using me to touch lives. I confess to you - sometimes I am scared to death as we move forward with The Torch. Not for one second do I doubt I am doing what I am supposed to be doing, but I know who I am and I know this is going to be mostly God working through me or it will fail for sure. I don’t want me to get in the way. I am so thankful He sees potential in me where I see none. He sees potential in you, too. I don’t know what you might be hiding or running away from. I don’t know what runs through your mind when I tell you God sees potential in you and He can use you for great things. Just like I love to tell my kids about the potential they possess, I think our Father would love to tell you. Maybe you have a mountain to climb. Climb it. Maybe you need to volunteer somewhere. Volunteer. Maybe you need to find a church. Find one. Maybe you need to pray. Do it. Take a step of faith into something you are unsure of, but think you should do. You have the potential to make something great happen!
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February 2022
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